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WhatsApp Restored After Going Down For Users Around The World

October 25, 2022

WhatsApp, a messaging platform by Meta, was down for users across the UK and around the world for about an hour before it was restored.

Users of WhatsApp  in India, Nigeria, France, , South Africa, the United Kingdom and Asia started reporting issues before 08:00 BST on Tuesday.  

More than 12,000 reports were posted within half an hour, according to the service status website Down Detector.

WhatsApp has about 2 billion global active users. Many people complained on social media that they could not receive or send messages. 

"We're aware that some people are currently having trouble sending messages and we're working to restore WhatsApp for everyone as quickly as possible," a spokesperson for Meta Platforms said shortly before it was restored.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the UK and many parts of the world.

Image source: Pixabay