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Canada Investigates Death Threats From Iran

November 19, 2022

Canada's intelligence agency has said it is investigating death threats against people in the country by Iran, days after Britain made similar accusations against Tehran.

Eric Balsam, spokesman for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, said the threats were credible, AFP reported.

"Ultimately, these hostile activities and foreign interference undermine the security of Canada and Canadians, as well as our democratic values and sovereignty," he said.

No details of the investigation were given, but Mr Balsam said the agency was working with international partners.

The agency is also aware Iran has been monitoring and intimidating people in Canada, including members of the Iranian diaspora, he said.

The aim is to "silence those who speak out publicly against" the regime, he said.

It comes amid widespread anti-government protests in Iran that have continued for more than two months despite a violent crackdown by the authorities.

Last week, Britain accused Tehran of threatening the lives of journalists in the UK.

"I have summoned the Iranian charge d'affaires today after journalists working in the UK were subject to immediate threats to life from Iran," British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said on Twitter.

Volant Media, which broadcasts the Iran International TV channel, said two British-Iranian journalists received "death threats from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps".

The broadcaster said the journalists were working in Britain for the Farsi channel, which has its headquarters in London.

The channel has been covering the anti-government protests in Iran.

Source: The National
Image source: Atlantic Council