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How To Use Email Marketing To Convert More Customers

March 21, 2022

One thing that is always on the mind of business owners is how they can manage to convert more customers. Most entrepreneurs are in business to make a profit; and to make profits, a business has to attract, engage and convert more and more customers.

Email marketing is a marketing strategy that you can use to communicate with your existing customers as well as your prospective customers. It is the number one channel that businesses use to engage their customers. Asides from being a great marketing tool, email marketing can also be used to convert prospective customers.

How can you use email marketing to attract and convert more customers? What are the strategies you can use immediately to improve your email conversions drastically? Here are a few tips that you can use immediately to improve your email marketing results.

Create A Buyer Persona
One of the best ways to communicate marketing messages fluently is by creating buyer or user personas. A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your perfect customer. It contains details such as your target customer age range, educational level, pain points and lastly, your solution to their problems. Creating a buyer persona will help you write more engaging emails and consequently help you convert more prospects.

Segment And Personalise
Asides from creating a buyer persona, one thing that you have to do is to segment your email list and send only personalised messages so as to get better results. Segmentation simply means properly grouping your contacts according to the stage that they have reached in the buyer's journey. For example, if someone is still considering your products, you don’t want to send them the same email that you typically send to customers who have patronised you before.

Personalisation on the other hand entails you customising your email content so as to cater to the specific needs of each customer at every point. Additionally, personalisation involves making your email personal to the customer that you are sending the email. For example, including the name of the customer you are sending an email to will help break the ice and allow the customer relaxed enough to read your message. Most email marketing platforms have a functionality that allows you to personalise your emails with tags instead of trying to customise each email you are sending out.

Write A Great Subject Line
Many emails do not get opened for the simple reason that their subjects are not well-written. If you are like me, chances are that you decide whether or not to open an email by just taking a look at the subject line. Sure, there are other factors, that affect whether an email is opened or not, but with the problem of email overload in today’s fast-paced business world, you want to make sure that your email subject line is well-written so as to stand out in the mailbox.

Make Your Emails Mobile-Friendly
Today, a vast majority of people read their emails on their phones rather than their computers thanks to the proliferation of smartphone devices. What that effectively means is that if your emails are not optimised to be read on phones, you may have a hard time achieving results with your email marketing campaigns.

Finally, you need to test as you try to make your email marketing campaigns more effective. Testing is great because it helps you try different things to see what works and what doesn’t before employing them in your full-scale campaigns. A/B testing, for example, helps you compare things like headlines, images, link colours and call-to-actions to determine which variation is better.