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Why do 73% of workers in the UAE aspire to extend their stay?

January 23, 2024

A survey report on Monday reveals that over two-thirds of UAE employees plan to stay in the country for the next five years or more.

The 2024 UAE Salary Guide by Michael Page indicates that more than 73% find the region's economy highly attractive, citing reasons like career prospects, safety, living conditions, salary, economic context, geographical situation, and cost of living.

Candidates increasingly see the UAE as a long-term career destination, with organizations enhancing packages and progression opportunities, according to the global HR consultancy's annual study.

Recent UAE government measures, including golden visas, retirement visas, and freelance visas, attract professionals seeking economic stability, career/business opportunities, healthcare, and education.

Jon Ede, Michael Page's regional director for UAE, emphasizes the country's ongoing appeal in attracting and retaining high-quality candidates globally.

Approximately 74% of UAE employees express positivity about the current job market, and 79% are optimistic about future job prospects, as per the survey findings.

The survey notes that 53.6% of workers are satisfied with company culture, 44.5% with their salary, and 36.4% with opportunities for promotions.

While work/life balance was previously a primary factor for job changes, a declining trend is observed, with salary reclaiming its position as the main motivator.

Economic shifts, particularly the rising cost of living, contribute to this change, as indicated by Michael Page.

Despite challenges, 80% of candidates remain confident in securing a role within three months, according to the survey.

Job seekers cite various reasons for exploring new opportunities, including the pursuit of better salary packages, a desire for career development, increased responsibility, improved work/life balance, more recognition, and different company culture.

Recruitment in the UAE, especially in non-oil sectors, remained robust in 2023, with organizations actively seeking high-quality talent to support their strategies for 2024 and beyond, states Jon Ede.